Hellmann’s Scores with Limited-Edition EURO 2024™ Bottles & Jack Grealish Partnership

It's not just the football that's heating up! Hellmann's brings the flavor to EURO 2024™ with limited-edition bottles, a Jack Grealish partnership, and epic prizes.

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Get ready for the ultimate football and flavor showdown! Hellmann's, the official BBQ partner of UEFA EURO 2024™, is kicking off celebrations with a sizzling campaign.  Limited-edition bottles, a superstar footballer partnership, and amazing prizes – this is one summer you won't want to miss.

Hellmann's Dresses Up for EURO 2024™

Your favorite condiments are getting a football makeover! Hellmann's is launching limited-edition UEFA EURO 2024™ bottles across its entire range. That means your classic mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, and even those delicious flavored mayos will be sporting the iconic championship look.

These special edition bottles will hit shelves just in time for BBQ season, making them the perfect way to bring EURO 2024™ excitement to your backyard cookouts. Look for them at major retailers like:

Jack Grealish: Hellmann's Newest Fan

Hellmann's isn't just about great taste; they're about bringing football fever to the table. That's why they've teamed up with none other than England superstar Jack Grealish! Known for his skills on the pitch and his larger-than-life personality, Grealish is the perfect ambassador for Hellmann's bold flavors.

Expect to see Jack featured in Hellmann's 'Up Your BBQ Game' campaign, bringing cheeky humor and a whole lot of football fun.

Epic Prizes for Fans

Hellmann's knows that the best part of football is the shared experience.  That's why they're going all out with incredible prizes and experiences for fans. Here's what you could win:

  • Tickets to UEFA EURO 2024™ matches: Imagine the thrill of watching your favorite team compete live!
  • The Ultimate EURO 2024™ Final Experience: Could you be watching the final match from the best seats in Berlin's Olympiastadion?
  • Exclusive Jack Grealish Merchandise: Get your hands on signed gear and limited edition goodies

Keep an eye on Hellmann's social media and in-store displays for details on how to enter and win.

Level Up Your BBQ Game

Hellmann's isn't just about celebrating EURO 2024™ – they want to elevate your entire summer cookout experience. With the 'Up Your BBQ Game' campaign, get ready for delicious recipes, expert grilling tips, and maybe even a few surprises from Jack Grealish himself.

Get Ready for Kick-Off!

Whether you're a die-hard football fan or just love a good BBQ, Hellmann's EURO 2024™ celebration has something for everyone. Stock up on those limited-edition bottles, follow the campaign for those amazing prizes, and get ready for a summer of epic football and fiery flavors!

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